CoinLoan Lists New Fiat Currencies

A little while ago in the previous update, we promised to make fiat dollars available as soon as possible. CoinLoan Team keeps its promises. And today is the day!
What Happened?
We’ve added AdvCash payment system, that enables to deposit and withdraw USD, GBP, EUR and RUB on the CoinLoan platform. It’s been a long time coming, and now with AdvCash you can finally lend and borrow using the currency that works best for you.
New currencies have shown up already in My Wallet tab. From this point on, they are available for depositing and withdrawing.

What’s Next?
SWIFT payments are the next major milestone. This will allow money to be sent from almost anywhere in the world and in many different currencies. If everything goes right, SWIFT will be available in a week. Well, fingers crossed 🙂
Stay tuned, more news and updates very soon!
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