Daily limit info — a feature to always know how much you can withdraw

We are glad to announce that we have released new features in the withdrawal form:

  • daily limit info (in asset equivalent) in both our web and mobile apps
  • a daily limit usage bar in the CoinLoan web platform

From now on, you will always be aware of the amount you can withdraw from your CoinLoan account within a day.

How the bar works

The feature helps to stay within your account withdrawal limit without doing all the calculations yourself. Our platform accumulates all your withdrawal requests for the last 24 hours and shows the amount to withdraw. At the moment, our daily withdrawal limit is $10,000 for each CoinLoan account.

24h Account Withdrawal Limit bar — Web platform

Note: Transactions within the platform stay unaffected. For instance, you can still withdraw the desired sum from your Interest Account to your Wallet as you did before.

How to find the feature

Web platform

Every time you click the Withdraw button after choosing an asset, you will see the 24h Account Withdrawal Limit bar next to the withdrawal form.

Withdrawal form — Web platform

In addition, you also have the 24h withdrawal limit section in the withdrawal form. It is your available 24h limit converted to the withdrawal currency. You see the exact sum you can withdraw from CoinLoan.

Mobile app

After tapping the Withdraw button in the asset module, you will see the 24h withdrawal limit section in the withdrawal form.

Withdrawal form — Mobile app

Your available 24h account limit is converted to the withdrawal currency to help you stay within the limit.

24h Withdrawal Limit tooltip — Mobile app

Share your experience with our new feature in the web or mobile app! We’d be excited to hear from you on our social media: Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and Telegram. If you have any additional questions, please contact our support team at support@coinloan.io — we will be happy to assist. Stay tuned for the upcoming updates!